Biology Dictionary: V
Search or browse the dictionary for the definition of biology terms starting with the letter “V”.
Dictionary > V
- Vac
- Vacant niche
- Vaccination
- Vaccine
- Vacuole
- Vacuolization
- Vagile
- Vagina fibrosa tendinis
- Vagina interna nervi optici
- Vaginal mucosa
- Vaginal orifice
- Vaginodynia
- Valence
- Valence electron
- Valgus
- Valine
- Vallecula cerebelli
- Valva trunci pulmonalis
- Vant hoffs law
- Vapor
- Variable
- Variable region
- Variant
- Variation
- Variety
- Varus
- Vas deferens
- Vasa
- Vasa auris internae
- Vascular bundle
- Vascular permeability
- Vascular plants
- Vascular Ray
- Vascular tissue
- Vasoconstriction
- Vasodilation
- Vasopressin
- Vector
- Vegetable
- Vegetarian diet
- Vegetation
- Vegetative
- Vegetative bud
- Vegetative Cell
- Vegetative propagation
- Vegetative reproduction
- Vegetative stage
- Vehicle
- Vehicles
- Vellus hair
- Velvet worm
- Venae comitantes
- Venation
- Venom
- Vent
- Ventilation
- Ventral body cavity
- Ventral primary ramus of spinal nerve
- Ventral tier thalamic nuclei
- Ventricular filling pressure
- Ventricular syncytium
- Venus
- Vermiform appendix
- Vertebra
- Vertebrae coccygeae
- Vertebral column
- Vertebrata
- Vertical dimension
- Vertical gene transfer
- Vertical transmission
- Vesicle
- Vesicocele
- Vestibular fossa
- Vestibule
- Vestibulum nasi
- Vestibulum oris
- Vestige
- Vestige of vaginal process
- Vestigial
- Vestiture
- Viability
- Viable
- Vibration
- Vibrio
- Vibrio cholerae
- Vibrissa
- Vicariance
- Vicariant speciation
- Vigor
- Villi
- Vine
- Violet
- Viral core proteins
- Virginal membrane
- Viropexia
- Virulence
- Virulent virus
- Virus
- Viscera
- Visceral cranium
- Viscerocranium
- Viscosity
- Viscous
- Visibility limit of
- Visible light
- Vision
- Visna maedi virus
- Visual acuity
- Vital
- Vital capacity
- Vital knot
- Vitamin
- Vitamin B complex
- Vitamin Bx
- Vitreous humor
- Vmax
- Voice
- Voice quality
- Void
- Volar carpal ligament
- Volatile oil
- Voluntary dehydration
- Voluntary muscle
- Volutin granule
- Vomerovaginal canal
- Vomit
- Vortex
- Vulgaris
- Vulnerable species