Articles > Homeostasis definition – quiz

Homeostasis definition – quiz


Choose the best answer. 

1. What is homeostasis?

2. Skin receptors reacting to mechanical stimulation

3. The component of the homeostasis responsible for the processing of impulses from the receptors

4. What happens to the body when the glucose level is high in the blood circulation?

5. In osmoregulation, which of these events leads to the release of vasopressin into the circulation?

6. Which is true about negative feedback?

7. Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?

8. How do cells maintain homeostasis?

9. Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains ...

10. How does the nervous system maintain homeostasis?

11. Which of the following statements about homeostasis is false?

12. How does the cell membrane help maintain homeostasis?

13. How does the skeletal system maintain homeostasis?

14. How does the digestive system maintain homeostasis?

15. How does the circulatory system maintain homeostasis?

16. Which characteristic of life best describes the process of homeostasis?

17. Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?

18. What is positive feedback in homeostasis?

19. What system primarily controls homeostasis?

20. Which of the following statements regarding the homeostasis regulation of blood calcium is false?

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