28 results found

Search Results for: dense bodies

Dense bodies

Dense bodies (Science: cell biology) areas of electron density associated with the thin filaments in smooth muscle cells.... Read More

Smooth muscle

The smooth muscle can be described as a type of muscle in the human body that is non-striated and involuntary in action.... Read More


In cell biology, the nucleus is the large, membrane-bounded organelle that contains the genetic material in the form of... Read More


Definition noun plural: nucleoplasm nu·cle·o·plasm, ˈnjuːklɪəˌplæzəm (cell biology) The protoplasm of the... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More


Nucleolus Definition noun plural: nucleoli nu·cle·o·lus, njuːˈkliːələs (cell biology) The round granular... Read More


Definition Of Ectoplasm The peripheral part of the cytoplasm which is clear, gel-like, rigid, and agranular part is known... Read More


Muscle cells are specialized to generate force and movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: (1) skeletal muscle,... Read More


The cell cycle of eukaryotes is a cyclical series of biological events that certain asexual cells go through. The cell cycle... Read More

Myoepithelial cell

Definition noun, plural: myoepithelial cells (1) (histology) A slender, spindle-shaped contractile cell forming the thin... Read More

Unstriated muscle

unstriated muscle --> smooth muscle (Science: anatomy, pathology, physiology) muscle tissue in vertebrates made up from... Read More


A biological cell is composed of many components called organelles. These organelles serve their specific purposes to make... Read More


Definition noun, plural: platelets A discoid cellular fragment (2–3 µm diameter) important for blood coagulation and for... Read More


Aves Definition What are birds classified as? Birds constitute the class Aves of the kingdom Animalia. How to define Aves?... Read More

Nuclear lamina

Definition noun plural: nuclear laminae or nuclear laminas nu·cle·ar lam·i·na, ˈn(j)ukliɚ ˈlæm.ɪ.nə (cell... Read More

Integumentary system

Integumentary System Definition The integumentary system is the outermost layer of the body. The animal body, in... Read More

Woolly cheetah

Woolly cheetahs were reported in the 19th century as a separate species of cheetah that had longer, denser fur. Several... Read More

Nervous System

    THE is the most complicated and highly organized of the various systems which make up the human body. It is the... Read More

Lysosomal enzyme

Definition noun plural: lysosomal enzymes ly·so·somal en·zyme, ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm əl ˈɛnzaɪm (biochemistry) Any of... Read More

Nuclear matrix

Definition noun plural: nuclear matrices (cell biology) A 3-dimensional filamentous protein network that extends... Read More


Lysosome Definition noun plural: lysosomes ly·so·some, ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm (cell biology) Organelle containing a large... Read More


The biological world or life on earth is a marvel that has amazed us since time immemorial. The rich natural diversity of... Read More

Muscular system

Muscular System Definition What is the muscular system? The muscular system is a system that includes muscle cells and... Read More


Bodies of living organisms are organized structures. These are organized in a hierarchy of organ systems, organs, tissues,... Read More


Arboreal Definition Arbor is a Latin word meaning "tree". Thus, arboreal means "related to or pertaining to trees". The... Read More


Mitosis Definition What is mitosis? In biology, mitosis refers to the cellular process where a single cell divides... Read More


Water Definition (1) (biochemistry) A chemical substance, with chemical formula H2O, that is a clear, colorless, odorless,... Read More