32 results found

Search Results for: dinucleotide


Definition noun plural: dinucleotides di·nu·cle·o·tide, daɪ njuːklɪəˌtaɪd An organic compound comprised of two... Read More

Flavin adenine dinucleotide

Definition noun plural: flavin adenine dinucleotides fla·vin ad·e·nine di·nu·cle·o·tide, ad·e·nine... Read More

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

Definition noun A coenzyme made up of ribosylnicotinamide 5'-phosphate (nmn) coupled by pyrophosphatelinkage to the... Read More

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

Definition noun An ubiquitous coenzyme comprised of two nucleotides (i.e. one with adenine base and the other a... Read More


Enzymes can break down complicated large molecules into simpler smaller ones, they can combine small molecules or atoms to... Read More


Definition noun plural: mononucleotides mon·o·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌmɒnəʊˈnjuːklɪəˌtaɪd A single nucleotide (as... Read More

Flavin mononucleotide

Definition noun plural: flavin mononucleotides fla·vin mon·o·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌmɒnəʊˈnjuːklɪəˌtaɪd A... Read More

Krebs cycle

Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is a fundamental metabolic pathway that... Read More


Definition noun plural: adenines ad·e·nine, ˈædɪnɪn (biochemistry) A purine nucleobase that complementary pairs... Read More


Definition noun, plural: flavoproteins A protein containing a flavin moiety, e.g. flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More

Pyruvic acid

What is Pyruvic Acid? Pyruvic acid is an organic acid that occurs as an intermediate in many metabolic processes. It occurs... Read More


Metabolism Definition What is metabolism in the body? Metabolism encompasses the various biochemical processes, reactions,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: cofactors (biochemistry) An inorganic complement of an enzyme reaction Supplement Cofactors... Read More

Cellular respiration

Cellular Respiration Definition What is cellular respiration in simple terms? Cellular respiration can be defined simply as... Read More


A molecule is an electrically neutral, group of atoms that can exist alone in a free state while its characteristic... Read More


Nucleotide Definition A nucleotide is regarded as the basic building block of nucleic acid (e.g. DNA and RNA). A nucleic... Read More


Replication, in the general sense, is to create a copy or a duplicate. Thus, in biology, replication is commonly associated... Read More


Definition noun Abbreviation for the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Supplement Compare:NADPHRelated... Read More

Carbon fixation

Carbon Fixation Definition We know that the earth contains many elements. The periodic table shows us just how many... Read More


Definition noun plural: polynucleotides pol·y·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌpɒlɪˈno͞o′klē-ə-tīd A biopolymer comprised of... Read More

Pentose phosphate pathway

Definition noun (biochemistry) A glucose metabolic pathway in which five-carbon sugars (pentoses) and NADPH are synthesized... Read More


Definition noun, plural: microsatellites (molecular biology) A tandem repeat ranging in length from 1 to 6 base pairs,... Read More

Light-dependent reaction

Many organisms, such as green plants, convert light energy into chemical energy through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In... Read More

Phosphate group

Definition noun, plural: phosphate groups (biochemistry) A functional group or radical comprised of phosphorus attached to... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More


Definition noun plural: mononucleotides ol·i·go·nu·cle·o·tide, ŏl′ĭ-gō-no͞o′klē-ə-tīd A short polymer... Read More

Aerobic bacteria

Aerobic Bacteria Definition What does aerobic mean in biology? As the name suggests, 'aerobe' in biology means organisms... Read More

Electron carriers

Definition noun, plural: electron carriers A molecule capable of accepting one (or more than one) electrons from another... Read More


Definition noun, plural: domains (1) (taxonomy) The highest taxonomic rank of organisms in which there are three groupings:... Read More


Catabolism Definition Catabolism is the branch of the metabolic process that breaks down complex, big molecules into... Read More


Oxidation Definition How do we define oxidation? There are several definitions of the oxidation process. Oxidation can be... Read More