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Search Results for: illness


Illness 1. The condition of being ill, evil, or bad; badness; unfavorableness. The illness of the weather. 2. Disease;... Read More

Illness period

Definition noun The period during which the clinical symptoms of the disease manifests Supplement The illness period is the... Read More

Acute febrile illness

Definition From the Latin word febris, meaning fever, an acute febrile illness is a type of illness characterized by a... Read More

Prodromal period

There are five stages (or phases) of a disease. (Hattis, 2020). These stages are (1) Incubation period, (2) Prodromal... Read More

Precipitating factors

Precipitating Factor Definition Precipitating factors are factors that initiate or promote the onset of any illness,... Read More


Prevalent Definition We can define "prevalent" as the most commonly found, being dominant or widespread, or describing the... Read More


What are Pathogens? Pathogens are defined as microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that... Read More

Naked virus

Viruses are infectious entities with size ranges between 20 to 400 nanometers. The mammoth-sized virus would be about the... Read More

The Psychobiology of Hysteria

EditorialHysteria is often regarded as the archetypal psychodynamic illness. Freud carried out much of his early work on... Read More

Lethal mutation

Lethal Mutation Definition Genetic mutations come from changes in the DNA structure or sequencing in an organism. Often... Read More


Complication a term used to describe additional medical problems that develop following a procedure, treatment or illness.... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More


Definition noun A severe (sometimes fatal) illness caused by an overexposure to an excessive heat, which disturbs the... Read More

Serous exudate

Definition noun A type of exudate that forms as a clear, thin, watery fluid with relatively low protein content, usually... Read More


Organisms depend on different sources of food to survive. Larger organisms like plants make their own food (autotrophs) and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: infestations (ecology) The state of having a large number of pest organisms thriving in a... Read More


When we learned about the basic genetics of biological life, we came to know that almost all the cells of an individual have... Read More

Accessory organs

Accessory organs --> supernumerary organs organs exceeding the normal number, which may develop from multiple foci of... Read More


Phosphorylation Definition We can define phosphorylation as a biochemical process in which a phosphate molecule is added to... Read More


The biological world is so diverse that studying it under a single umbrella as a subject is next to impossible. Hence,... Read More

Convalescent period

Definition noun The period at which the symptoms begin to fade until the time the patient recovers from the... Read More

Family traits

When one thinks of family, they often think of persons who are blood-related to each other as parents to their children and... Read More

Yellow fever virus

Definition noun, plural: yellow fever viruses A Flavivirus species containing positive-sense, single-stranded RNA with about... Read More

Sex-linked trait

Definition of Sex-Linked Traits A sex-linked trait is an observable characteristic of an organism that is influenced by the... Read More

Polygenic trait

Polygenic Trait Definition Polygenic trait refers to a trait that is controlled by multiple non-allelic genes. These genes... Read More


Micromolecules Definition How to define micromolecule? Micromolecules are relatively small molecules that are combined... Read More

Fordyce spots

Definition noun Sebaceous glands that appear as raised bumps on the vermilion border of the lips, on the scrotum, shaft of... Read More

Complete dominance

Complete Dominance Definition Genetics is the study of how traits are inherited by organisms and in what ways these... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


''' kwashiorkor A nutritional deficiency illness in children who are not getting enough protein. This results in anaemia,... Read More


Hiv --> <a href="https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/human-Immunodeficiency">virus (Science: virology) a... Read More

Scared to Death

Scared to Death: Self-Willed Death, or the Bone-Pointing Syndrome  by Patrick D Hahn  Accepted on: September 4,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: diseases An abnormal condition of an organism which interrupts the normal bodily functions that... Read More


Disorder 1. Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into... Read More


Accumulation The action or process of accumulating, state of being or having accumulated, a collecting together. (Science:... Read More

Clinical medicine

Definition noun (medicine) The study and practice of medicine that is founded on the direct observation of... Read More


Abortion 1. (Science: obstetrics) The premature expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception of the embryo or of... Read More

Adipose tissue

Adipose Tissue Definition Adipose tissue, a specialized variety of connective tissue, is composed of lipid-rich cells known... Read More

Prodromal stage

Definition noun The stage in which the early signs and symptoms of a disease appear but not yet clinically specific nor... Read More

Corynebacterium xerosis

Definition Bacterial species characterized by being fermentative, Gram-positive, slightly curved rod-shape, typically... Read More