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Search Results for: intracellular digestion

Intracellular digestion

Intracellular Digestion Definition What is intracellular digestion? ‘Intra’ means "inside" and ‘cellular’ pertains... Read More


Definition noun (1) (physiology) The catabolic process in the digestive tract where ingested food is converted into simpler,... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More

Extracellular digestion

Definition noun A form of digestion wherein the breaking down of materials into smaller, absorbable components takes place... Read More


Lysosome Definition noun plural: lysosomes ly·so·some, ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm (cell biology) Organelle containing a large... Read More


A biological cell is a membrane-bound structure that occurs as a functional independent unit of life (such as in unicellular... Read More


Definition adjective Occurring or being (situated) inside a cell or cells. Supplement For example, intracellular fluid... Read More


The cell is regarded as the structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms. It is a membrane-bound structure... Read More

Animal cell

An animal cell is the fundamental functional unit of life of animals. It is also the basic unit of reproduction. Animal... Read More


Just like it is easy to identify and sort anything in the supermarkets when placed in the right section with proper display... Read More


Amphipathic Definition Amphipathic is a word used to describe a chemical compound containing both polar (water-soluble) and... Read More


Definition noun A process of ingesting relatively large particles of food that carries out via intracellular... Read More


A pseudopodium (plural: pseudopodia) refers to the temporary projection of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Pseudopodia... Read More


Definition noun A programmed cell death characterized by biochemical events leading to self-digestion through the... Read More


A vacuole is a single membrane-bound organelle with no definite shape or size found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More

Cell theory

What Is Cell Theory? Biological cell theory explains the idea of organismal constitution, structure, and function. It... Read More


Definition adjective Occurring or being (situated) outside the cell or cells. Supplement For example, extracellular fluid is... Read More

Facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a biological membrane from an area of higher concentration to an... Read More

Protein Activity and Cellular Metabolism

Protein Binding Sites The ability of various molecules and ions to bind to specific sites on the protein surface forms the... Read More


GERL Definition GERL is the acronym for Golgi - Endoplasmic Reticulum - Lysosome complex, a system found in the cell and... Read More

Eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic Cells Definition What is a eukaryotic cell? Eukaryotic cells refer to the cells of (or derived from) eukaryotes,... Read More


Metabolism Definition What is metabolism in the body? Metabolism encompasses the various biochemical processes, reactions,... Read More


Phosphorylation Definition We can define phosphorylation as a biochemical process in which a phosphate molecule is added to... Read More