18 results found

Search Results for: postsynaptic

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential Definition An inhibitory postsynaptic potential is a type of synaptic potential. It is... Read More

Excitatory postsynaptic potential

Definition noun A type of postsynaptic potential where the binding of neurotransmitters with the postsynaptic receptors... Read More


Definition adjective (1) Of or pertaining to or being on the receiving end of a discharge across a synapse. (2) Pertaining... Read More

Postsynaptic cell

postsynaptic cell In a chemical synapse, the cell that receives a signal (binds neurotransmitter) from the presynaptic cell... Read More

Neural Control Mechanisms

Nerve cells called neurons generate electric signals that pass from one end of the cell to another and release chemical... Read More

Axon terminal

An axon terminal is any of the button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve... Read More


Definition adjective (1) Of, or relating to the transmitting end of a discharge across a synapse. (2) Pertaining to or being... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


Dendrite Definition Dendrites are the protoplasmic projections from the neuron cells that receive the electrochemical... Read More


Definition noun The process or act of making the membrane potential of a cell more negative Supplement Hyperpolarization is... Read More

Presynaptic cell

presynaptic cell (Science: physiology) In a chemical synapse, the cell that releases neurotransmitter that will stimulate... Read More

Miniature end plate potential

miniature end plate potential (Science: physiology) small fluctuations (typically 0.5 mV) in the resting potential of... Read More

Sympathetic nervous system

Definition noun A division of the (vertebrate) autonomic nervous system that is chiefly involved in producing an immediate... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More

Cell membrane

Cell Membrane Definition Just like any non-living body possesses a plastic or paper packaging material that keeps the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: membranes (1) (biology) A thin layer of tissue covering a surface or lining a cavity, space or... Read More


Ganglia Definition What are ganglia? To simply define ganglia in biology, it is the structure of an oval shape that... Read More

Consciousness and Behavior

States of Consciousness Defined either by (1) behavior - ranging from attentive and alert to coma and (2) electrical... Read More