Dictionary > Anastomosis


noun, plural: anastomoses
(1) Interconnection between parts of a branching system forming a network, as in leaf anastomosis.
(2) Cross-connection between blood vessels or between tubular structures.
(3) The surgical creation intubular structures to form a connecting passage between these structures.
In circulatory anastomosis, there is a direct connection between arteries, veins, venules, and arterioles without any intervening capillaries.
In surgical anastomosis such as intestinal anastomosis, a segment of intestine is resected and the two remaining ends are sewn or stapled together (anastomosed), for example Roux-en-Y anastomosis.
Word origin: Late Latin anastomōsis, from Greek, outlet, from anastomoun, to furnish with a mouth : ana- + stoma, mouth.
Related forms: anastomotic (adjective).

Related terms:

  • a-v anastomosis
  • brauns anastomosis
  • circular anastomosis
  • damus-stancel-kaye anastomosis
  • elliptical anastomosis
  • intestinal anastomosis
  • martin-gruber anastomosis
  • termino-terminal anastomosis
  • hoyers anastomoses
  • portacaval anastomoses

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