Dictionary > Asian Glossy Starling

Asian Glossy Starling

Species in class Aves that considered as one of the noisiest species of birds those are highly extroverted with slender body and narrow wings that are typically long distance travelers along Asian continent.
Asian Glossy Starlings are found in Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar where tropical moist lowland temperature are most likely the favorable conditions of these species and normally have a medium size of 30cm and 105g.
Asian Glossy Starlings consumed bananas, papaya, mangos and berries and are able to rummage on high tree top and very occasionally go on the ground. Basically like to walk in a fancy manner due to the large feet rather than hopping and usually go together in flocks of at least 20 individuals. When settling down, habitually execute displays over the roosting tree forming a symmetrical pattern in a striking twist, thus believed to have identification of the roost location.
The breeding pattern of the Asian Glossy Starling is all year round with a peak month of March to June and prefers to make a nest high above the ground and has eggs in blue or white color with a dark brown spots on it. Not belong to an endangered species, since have the ability to adapt in human habitation in urban areas.
Scientific Name: Aplonis panayensis
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae
Genus: Aplonis
Species: Aplonis panayensis
See also:
• starling species
• passerine

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