Dictionary > Clinical


(1) Of, pertaining to, relating to, or dealing with a (medical) clinic
(2) Relating to or founded on the actual observation and treatment of patient(s) (in contrast to theoretical)
The term clinical pertains to a medical practice, such as observing and treating patients. Examples of usage are the terms: clinical trial and clinical medicine”. Clinical trial is a formal research protocol involving patients. Clinical medicine is the practice of medicine that is based on the direct observation of patients.
Word origin: Late Latin clinicus (a bed-ridden person, one baptized on a sick-bed, a physician), Ancient Greek klinikós (of a bed), from klínē (bed), from klínein (to lean, incline) + –al
See also:

  • clinic

Related term(s):

  • Clinical diagnosis
  • Clinical trial
  • Human clinical trial
  • Clinical anatomy
  • Clinical nursing research
  • Clinical nurse specialist
  • Clinical lethal
  • Clinical laboratory information systems
  • Clinical investigator
  • Clinical disease
  • Clinical trials
  • Clinical syndrome
  • Millon clinical multiaxial inventory test
  • Clinical chemistry tests
  • Clinical chemistry
  • Clinical burden
  • In clinical parlance
  • Clinical medicine
  • Human clinical trials
  • Clinical endpoint
  • Clinical conference
  • Clinical competence
  • Clinical clerkship
  • Clinical Neurology
  • Clinical psychology
  • Addisons clinical planes

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