Dictionary > Decremental conduction

Decremental conduction

The impaired conduction in a portion of a fiber due to progressively lessening response of the unexcited portion of the fiber to the action potential coming toward it
In biology, conduction refers to the conveyance of nerve impulses, sound waves, electrons, or heat. Decremental conduction is a term used to refer to an impaired conduction that occurs in nerve fibers. The impaired conduction is characterized by a gradual decrease in the stimuli and response along the pathway of conduction.1 This also means that the amplitude of the electric impulse decreases with distance as the impulse is transmitted in nerve fiber. Decremental conduction occurs by decreasing the speed of conduction, amplitude of action potential, and the extent of spread of the impulse. The effectiveness of excitation is lost during the AP propagation through the AV N zone. Decremental conduction is regarded as the most common cause of a unidirectional block in ventricular tissue.2
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1 Decremental conduction. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved June 30 2015 from Link

2 Brenner, G. & Stevens, C. (2013). Pharmacology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders.

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