Dictionary > Erect


1. Upright, or having a vertical position; not inverted; not leaning or bent; not prone; as, to stand erect. Two of far nobler shape, erect and tall. (Milton) Among the greek colonies and churches of asia, Philadelphia is still erect a column of ruins. (Gibbon)
2. Directed upward; raised; uplifted. His piercing eyes, erect, appear to view superior worlds, and look all nature through. (Pope)
3. Bold; confident; free from depression; undismayed. But who is he, by years Bowed, but erect in heart? (Keble)
4. Watchful; alert. Vigilant and erect attention of mind. (Hooker)
5. (Science: botany) Standing upright, with reference to the earth’s surface, or to the surface to which it is attached.
6. Elevated, as the tips of wings, heads of serpents, etc.
Origin: L. Erectus, p. P. Of erigere to erect; e out – regere to lead straight. See right, and cf. Alert.

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