(Science: botany) a perennial plant of the genus Faeniculum (f.vulgare), having very finely divided leaves. It is cultivated in gardens for the agreeable aromatic flavor of its seeds. Smell of sweetest fennel. (Milton) A sprig of fennel was in fact the theological smelling bottle of the tender sex. (s. G. Goodrich) Azorean, or sweet, fennel, (Faeniculum dulce). It is a smaller and stouter plant than the common fennel, and is used as a pot herb. Dogs fennel (anthemis Cotula), a foul-smelling European weed; called also mayweed.
(Science: botany) fennel flower, the distilled water of fennel seed. It is stimulant and carminative. Giant fennel (ferula communis), has stems full of pith, which, it is said, were used to carry fire, first, by prometheus. Hogs fennel, a European plant (Peucedanum officinale) looking something like fennel.
Origin: as. Fenol, finol, from L. Feniculum, faeniculum, dim. Of fenum, faenum, hay: cf. F. Fenouil. Cf. Fenugreek. Finochio.
Dictionary > Fennel
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