Dictionary > Hirsuties coronae glandis

Hirsuties coronae glandis

The small bumps on the ridge on certain human glans penis
Hirsuties coronae glandis are small bumps or projections that form on the ridge of certain human glans penis. They are thought of as a morphological variant of penile spines common in certain animals such as mammals and birds. Penile spines are keratinized projections on the glans penis (and/or penile shaft). Most human glans penis and shaft are smooth, i.e. lacking penile spines. Nevertheless, there are certain males have hirsuties coronae glandis on the ridge of glans penis. When these papules are present, they form one or several rows of small bumps around the corona of the glans. They are also referred to as pearly penile papules because of their smooth, dome-shaped, pearly appearance. Nevertheless, there are also hirsuties coronae glandis that are flesh-colored. The size may range from less than 1 mm to 3 mm in length.
These papules may be mistaken to some STDs or genital warts. Thus, they are often removed due to aesthetic purposes although hirsuties coronae glandis do not pose risk to the health of the male or that of the partner. They are also not contagious. One way to remove them is by CO2 laser treatment to vaporize the papules.

  • hirsutoid papillomas
  • pearly penile papules (PPPs)

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