Dictionary > Homoplasty


noun, plural:
(1) (evolution) The acquisition of a similar form or structure between species of different lineages as a result of convergent evolution
(2) (medicine) Transplantation of tissue between individuals of the same species by surgery
(Evolution) Homoplasty refers to the trait acquired by unrelated species as a result of same adaptive response to a similar environment. It arises from convergent evolution in which different species evolved analogous traits. An example is the wings of the birds and bats that are functionally the same (for flight) but these animals belong to different taxa.
(Medicine) Homoplasty is used to transfer tissues from one individual to another of the same species. An example is a bony tissue transplanted surgically from a human donor to a human recipient. Homoplasty is considered as the next best option to autoplasty than heteroplasty.
Word origin: Greek homós (one and the same) + -plasty (from plasis a moulding)

Related term(s):

  • homoplastic

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