Dictionary > Mate


The paraguay tea, being the dried leaf of the Brazilian holly (ilex Paraguensis). The infusion has a pleasant odour, with an agreeable bitter taste, and is much used for tea in south America.
Origin: sp.
1. One who customarily associates with another; a companion; an associate; any object which is associated or combined with a similar object.
2. Hence, specifically, a husband or wife; and among the lower animals, one of a pair associated for propagation and the care of their young.
3. A suitable companion; a match; an equal. Ye knew me once no mate For you; there sitting where you durst not soar. (Milton)
4. An officer in a merchant vessel ranking next below the captain. If there are more than one bearing the title, they are called, respectively, first mate, second mate, third mate, etc. In the navy, a subordinate officer or assistant; as, masters mate; surgeons mate.
Origin: perhaps for older make a companion; cf. Also od. Maet companion, mate, D. Maat. Cf. Make a companion, match a mate.

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