(Science: botany) The name of several aromatic labiate plants, mostly of the genus mentha, yielding odouriferous essential oils by distillation. See Mentha.
corn mint is mentha arvensis. Horsemint is M. Sylvestris, and in the united states monarda punctata, which differs from the true mints in several respects. Mountain mint is any species of the related genus Pycnanthemum, common in North America. Peppermint is M. Piperita. Spearmint is M. Viridis. Water mint is M. Aquatica. Mint camphor.
(Science: chemistry) See menthol. Mint julep. See Julep. Mint sauce, a sauce flavored with spearmint, for meats.
Origin: AS. Minte, fr. L. Mentha, Gr.
Dictionary > Mint
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