Dictionary > Mushroom


1. (Science: botany) An edible fungus (agaricus campestris), having a white stalk which bears a convex or oven flattish expanded portion called the pileus. This is whitish and silky or somewhat scaly above, and bears on the under side radiating gills which are at first flesh-coloured, but gradually become brown. The plant grows in rich pastures and is proverbial for rapidity of growth and shortness of duration. It has a pleasant smell, and is largely used as food. It is also cultivated from spawn. Any large fungus, especially one of the genus Agaricus; a toadstool. Several species are edible; but many are very poisonous.
2. One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life; an upstart.
Origin: OE. Muscheron, OF. Mouscheron, F. Mousseron; perhaps fr. Mousse moss, of German origin. See Moss.
1. Of or pertaining to mushrooms; as, mushroom catchup.
2. Resembling mushrooms in rapidity of growth and shortness of duration; short-lived; ephemerial; as, mushroom cities. Mushroom anchor, an anchor shaped like a mushroom, capable of grasping the ground in whatever way it falls.
(Science: zoology) Mushroom coral, any coral of the genus fungia. See Fungia.
(Science: botany) Mushroom spawn, the mycelium, or primary filamentous growth, of the mushroom; also, cakes of earth and manure containing this growth, which are used for
propagation of the mushroom. Mushroom v. To grow or expand rapidly. Mushroom into to grow so much and so rapidly as to change qualitatively

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