Dictionary > Pant


1. To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion or from eagerness or excitement; to respire with heaving of the breast; to gasp. Pluto plants for breath from out his cell. (Dryden)
2. Hence: To long eagerly; to desire earnestly. As the hart panteth after the water brooks. (Ps. Xlii. 1) Who pants for glory finds but short repose. (pope)
3. To beat with unnatural violence or rapidity; to palpitate, or throb; said of the heart.
4. To sigh; to flutter; to languish. The whispering breeze Pants on the leaves, and dies upon the trees. (pope)
Origin: Cf. F. Panteler to gasp for breath, OF. Panteisier to be breathless, F. Pantois out of breath; perh. Akin to E. Phantom, the verb prob. Orig. Meaning, to have the nightmare.
1. To breathe forth quickly or in a labored manner; to gasp out. There is a cavern where my spirit Was panted forth in anguish. (Shelley)
2. To long for; to be eager after. Then shall our hearts pant thee. (herbert)
1. A quick breathing; a catching of the breath; a gasp.
2. A violent palpitation of the heart.

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