Dictionary > Past-pointing


An assessment test performed to evaluate the upper extremity tonic balance (e.g. the functional integrity of the vestibular apparatus and the cerebellum) by determining the extent of deviation or failure of the individual to touch the target direction while eyes are closed
To conduct this test, both the subject and examiners sit face to face. The subject is told to put his hands high up in the air with index fingers pointing up and then down to touch the examiner’s index fingertips in front. Next, the subject is asked to repeat the process but this time with eyes closed.
A negative result, where the subject correctly does as told, would indicate no abnormalities. Conversely, a positive result, which is when the subject drifts or deviates significantly to the left or right in an effort to touch the index fingers of the examiner, may possibly indicate vestibulo-cerebellar abnormalities resulting to dysmetria or ataxia.
See also:

  • dysmetria

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