Dictionary > Perineum


noun, plural: perinea
(anatomy) The region between the anus and the vulva; the region between the scrotum and the anus
adjective: perineal
Of, relating to, pertaining to, or associated with the perineum
In female, the perineum is the region between the anus and the vulva (of the vagina). In male, it is the region between the anus and the scrotum. In human anatomy, it is diamond-shaped and an erogenous zone in both males and females.1 In females, the skin on this region may be lacerated naturally during childbirth and it is referred to as perineal tear. Episiotomy is one that is intentionally cut by surgery to facilitate and aid a difficult delivery.
Word origin: Ancient Greek perínaion, períneos, from perí, (“around”) + inéō (“I empty, evacuate”)
See also:

  • Perineal muscles
  • Savages perineal body
  • Superficial transverse perineal muscle

Mentioned in:

  • Escutcheon
  • Dhobie itch
  • Rule of nines
  • Saddle anaesthesia
  • Trefoil tendon
  • Anus imperforate
  • Obstetrical binder
  • Prerectal lithotomy
  • Pudendal nerve
  • Abdominoperineal
  • Tinea inguinalis
  • Pemphigus vegetans
  • Rectovesical septum
  • Reference(s):

    1 Winkelmann, R. K. (1959). The erogenous zones: their nerve supply and significance. Mayo Clin Proc. 34(2):39-47.

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