
1. A straight and slender stick; a wand; hence, any slender bar, as of wood or metal (applied to various purposes). Specifically: An instrument of punishment or correction; figuratively, chastisement. He that spareth his rod hateth his son. (Prov. Xiii. 24)
A kind of sceptor, or badge of office; hence, figuratively, power; authority; tyranny; oppression. The rod, and bird of peace. .
A support for a fishing line; a fish pole.
(Science: machinery) A member used in tension, as for sustaining a suspended weight, or in tension and compression, as for transmitting reciprocating motion, etc.; a connecting bar.
An instrument for measuring.
2. A measure of length containing sixteen and a half feet; called also perch, and pole. Black rod.
(Science: anatomy) rods and cones, the elongated cells or elements of the sensory layer of the retina, some of which are cylindrical, others somewhat conical.
Origin: The same word as rood. See rood.

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