Dictionary > Septate uterus

Septate uterus

A uterus with an anteroposterior septum resulting in two uterine cavities
A septate uterus is a uterine condition wherein the uterus has become divided into two cavities due to a presence of anteroposterior septum. The presence of longitudinal septum acting as a partition in the uterus is a congenital malformation. The septum may be complete or incomplete. A complete septum is one in which the septum involves the entire length of the cavity as well as the cervix (thus, double cervix as well). It may also extend to the vagina resulting in a double vagina. An incomplete septum is one that involves the superior part of the cavity only. The latter is more common than the first type of septum.
The underlying cause of septate uterus is still unclear. The uterus develops during embryonic development wherein the Mullerian ducts fuse together. The partition created by the fusion of the two Mullerian ducts is resorbed thereby creating a single cavity. Thus, septate uterus occurs when the resorption of this partition is disturbed or disrupted.
Females with septate uterus can still become pregnant. However, there is a high risk for miscarriage and premature birth.

  • bipartite uterus
  • uterus bilocularis
  • uterus bipartitus
  • uterus septus

See also:

  • uterus

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