Dictionary > Void


1. Containing nothing; empty; vacant; not occupied; not filled. The earth was without form, and void. (gen. I. 2) I ‘ll get me to a place more void. (Shak) I ‘ll chain him in my study, that, at void hours, I may run over the story of his country. (Massinger)
2. Having no incumbent; unoccupied; said of offices and the like. Divers great offices that had been long void. (Camden)
3. Being without; destitute; free; wanting; devoid; as, void of learning, or of common use. A conscience void of offense toward god. (acts xxiv. 16) He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor. (Prov. Xi. 12)
4. Not producing any effect; ineffectual; vain. word shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please. (isa. Lv. 11) I will make void the counsel of Judah. (Jer. Xix. 7)
5. Containing no immaterial quality; destitute of mind or soul. Idol, void and vain.
6. Of no legal force or effect, incapable of confirmation or ratification; null. Cf. Voidable.
(Science: physics) Void space, a vacuum.
Synonym: empty, vacant, devoid, wanting, unfurnished, unsupplied, unoccupied.
Origin: OE. Voide, OF. Voit, voide, vuit, vuide, F. Vide, fr. (assumed) LL. Vocitus, fr. L. Vocare, an old form of vacare to be empty, or a kindred word. Cf. Vacant, Avoid.

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