Dictionary > Wrinkles


1. A small ridge, prominence, or furrow formed by the shrinking or contraction of any smooth substance; a corrugation; a crease; a slight fold; as, wrinkle in the skin; a wrinkle in cloth. The wrinkles in my brows. Within I do not find wrinkles and used heart, but unspent youth. (Emerson)
2. Hence, any roughness; unevenness. Not the least wrinkle to deform the sky. (Dryden)
3. a different word, and a dim. AS. Wrenc a twisting, deceit. Cf. Wrench A notion or fancy; a whim; as, to have a new wrinkle.
Origin: OE. Wrinkil, AS. Wrincle; akin to OD. Wrinckel, and prob. To Dan. Rynke, Sw. Rynka, Icel. Hrukka, OHG. Runza, G. Runzel, L. Ruga.
1. To contract into furrows and prominences; to make a wrinkle or wrinkles in; to corrugate; as, wrinkle the skin or the brow. Sport that wrinkled care derides. Her wrinkled form in black and white arrayed. (pope)
2. Hence, to make rough or uneven in any way. A keen north wind that, blowing dry, Wrinkled the face of deluge, as decayed. (milton) Then danced we on the wrinkled sand. (bryant) To wrinkle at, to sneer at.
Origin: Wrinkled; Wrinkling.

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