9 results found

Search Results for: anchorage

Anchorage independence

Definition noun A condition in which a cell maintains its capacity to spread, divide and function despite of the absence of... Read More

Anchorage-independent cell

Definition noun A cell that has lost the need for anchorage dependence, which is essential for cell growth, division, and... Read More


Anchorage (Science: cell biology) attachment, not necessarily adhesive in character, because the mechanism is not assumed... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More


Invertebrate Definition An invertebrate refers to any of the animals lacking a vertebral column. The term invertebrate came... Read More

Tissue culture plastic

tissue culture plastic (Science: cell culture) Polystyrene that has been rendered wettable by oxidation, a treatment that... Read More

Density dependent inhibition of growth

Density dependent inhibition of growth (Science: cell culture) The phenomenon exhibited by most normal (anchorage dependent)... Read More

Basal surface

Definition noun (histology) The edge of the cell or tissue facing the underlying connective tissue (dentistry) The... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic group comprised of plants, particularly land plants and green algae Supplement Plantae is a... Read More