10 results found

Search Results for: discrimination


Discrimination (Science: psychology) differential response to different... Read More

Calvin cycle

Calvin Cycle Definition The Calvin cycle, also known as the Calvin Benson cycle or the dark reactions, is a series of... Read More

Carbon fixation

Carbon Fixation Definition We know that the earth contains many elements. The periodic table shows us just how many... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More

Sense Organs in Insects

By Sachin ChorgeArticle submitted on January 2008 Article accepted on February 2008  Senses are the... Read More


Anatomy Definition Often we hear the term 'anatomy' while learning about the body and how it works. What is anatomy? What... Read More


Allele Definition What are alleles? An allele is a term coined to describe a specific copy of a gene. Genes, the DNA... Read More

Sexual selection

What is Sexual Selection? The definition of sexual selection is very interesting in biological terms. The sexual selection... Read More

Form perception

Form perception The sensory discrimination of a pattern shape or... Read More

Tactual performance test

Tactual performance test (TPT) Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery for adults (HRNTB) The TPT employs a version... Read More