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Search Results for: granular component of nucleolus

Granular component of nucleolus

Granular component of nucleolus area of nucleolus that appears granular in the electron microscope and contains 15nm... Read More


Nucleolus Definition noun plural: nucleoli nu·cle·o·lus, njuːˈkliːələs (cell biology) The round granular... Read More


In cell biology, the nucleus is the large, membrane-bounded organelle that contains the genetic material in the form of... Read More


A biological cell is composed of many components called organelles. These organelles serve their specific purposes to make... Read More

Nervous System

    THE is the most complicated and highly organized of the various systems which make up the human body. It is the... Read More

Genetic Information and Protein Synthesis

Genetic Code Genes are sequences of DNA nucleotides that carry and transmit the information specifying amino acid sequences... Read More