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Search Results for: natural

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More


natural 1. Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character;... Read More

Examples of Natural Selection

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Darwin's Finches Darwin's finches are an excellent example of the way in... Read More

Darwin and Natural Selection

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.In the 19th century, a man called Charles Darwin, a biologist from England,... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

Natural passive immunity

Definition noun A passive immunity acquired by the fetus or newborn from the mother via the placental transfer of antibodies... Read More

Natural science

Definition noun The scientific study of phenomena or laws of the physical world. Supplement Natural science includes... Read More


Environment Definition What does environment mean? If you mean physical environment, then it is defined as the surrounding... Read More

Survival of the fittest

When we talk about evolutionary processes, the usage of the phrase "Survival of the fittest" has been very common in... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More

Genetic drift

Genetic Drift Definition What is genetic drift in simple terms? The simple definition of genetic drift ( also referred to... Read More

Neutral mutation

Neutral Mutation Definition What is a neutral mutation? Neutral mutations are the alterations in the DNA that are... Read More

Natural active immunity

Definition noun An active immunity acquired by experiencing and having recovered from a disease. Supplement Active immunity... Read More

Natural immunity

natural immunity --> innate immunity This includes local barriers to infection such as skin, stomach acid, mucous, the... Read More

Natural history

natural history A former branch of knowledge embracing the study, description, and classification of natural objects (as... Read More

Allopatric speciation

We can define speciation as a process by which the novel genetically independent group of organisms are formed through the... Read More

Sexual selection

What is Sexual Selection? The definition of sexual selection is very interesting in biological terms. The sexual selection... Read More

Genetic diversity

Genetic Diversity Definition Each species is composed of individuals with their own set of genes. A gene is the inheritance... Read More


Zoology Definition Zoology is an ever-evolving branch of Biology dealing with the members of the Kingdom Animalia. It... Read More

In situ

When we talk about an experiment, human intervention, a protocol, or its step or any x, y, z call-of-action, it can be... Read More


Monomer Definition What is a monomer? Monomers can be defined as building blocks of a polymer, which is a structure... Read More


Evolution Definition Evolution is defined as a change in the genetic composition of a population over successive... Read More

Natural mutation

natural mutation --> spontaneous mutation A mutation which occurs by itself without first being affected by a mutagen,... Read More

Natural environment

Definition noun All living and non-living things that occur naturally on a particular region. Supplement A natural... Read More

Natural reservoir

Definition noun A reservoir host harboring the pathogen but shows no ill effects and serves as a source of... Read More

Disruptive Selection

An evolutionary process known as disruptive selection (or disruptive natural selection) causes a population to become... Read More

Natural classification

natural classification (Science: zoology) classification based on inferences concerning the phylogenetic relationships of... Read More


The biological world or life on earth is a marvel that has amazed us since time immemorial. The rich natural diversity of... Read More


Among many psychological and psychiatric disorders, one is the fear of the ocean and the fear of deep water, which in... Read More


A competing variant's frequency is rising in relation to other competing variants in a population under the biological... Read More

Genetics – Lesson Outline & Worksheets

 Topics Modules Quizzes/Worksheets DescriptionIntroduction to GeneticsGenetics - Definition:... Read More

Sympatric speciation

Speciation is a process of evolution through which two different existing populations evolve and a distinct species form. It... Read More


Carbon is one of the chemical elements found in nature. A chemical element refers to the pure substance of one type of atom.... Read More

Unconditioned stimulus

An unconditioned stimulus inherently triggers an automatic response, not reliant on deliberate prior learning. In contrast... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More


In ecology, predation is a mechanism of population control. Thus, when the number of predators is scarce the number of... Read More

Organic compound

Organic Compound Definition An organic compound is a compound that, in general, contains carbon covalently bound to other... Read More

The Gene Pool and Population Genetics

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.The previous tutorial is about adaptive radiation. Adaptive radiation is... Read More

Adaptive Radiation

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.When Charles Darwin was in the Galapagos Islands, one of the first things he... Read More