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Search Results for: sewage


sewage The waste water from domestic, commercial and industrial sources carried by sewers. Waste matter carried away in... Read More


Introduction   Examples of Macrophytes. (Source: Canada's AquaticEnvironments) ... Read More


Archaea is a group of prokaryotic life forms distinct from bacteria forming a separate domain of life. They possess... Read More


Eubacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms consisting of a single cell lacking a nucleus and containing DNA is a single... Read More


Contamination Definition Contamination, sometimes interchanged with pollution, is the existence of live things or... Read More


nitrosomonas A genus of gram-negative, ellipsoidal or rod-shaped bacteria whose major source of energy and reducing power is... Read More

Refuse disposal

refuse disposal The discarding or destroying of garbage, sewage, or other waste matter or its transformation into something... Read More


Microbe Definition What is a microbe? How do we define microbes?  Microbes refer to microorganisms that cannot be seen by... Read More


Plankton is a diverse group of typically microscopic, aquatic organisms suspended in the water column and rely on water... Read More


The biological world or life on earth is a marvel that has amazed us since time immemorial. The rich natural diversity of... Read More

Waste management

Waste management refers to the various schemes to manage and dispose of wastes. It can be by discarding, destroying,... Read More

Aerobic bacteria

Aerobic Bacteria Definition What does aerobic mean in biology? As the name suggests, 'aerobe' in biology means organisms... Read More

Industrial Microbiology

Definition noun Related to environmental, social and economic importance that are engaged in the utilization of... Read More

Population Regulation in an Ecosystem

Darwin focused some of this work in regards to the population size of a species, and what factors may affect them. He... Read More