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Search Results for: vacuole


A vacuole is a single membrane-bound organelle with no definite shape or size found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic... Read More

Contractile vacuole

Definition noun, plural: contractile vacuoles (cell biology) A specialized vacuole of eukaryote cells, especially protozoa,... Read More

Turgor pressure

In biology, turgor pressure pertains to the pressure that is exerted by the fluid (e.g. water) against the cell wall. It is... Read More


Flaccid Definition Biology – What is Flaccid? In botany, the term flaccid refers to a cell that lacks turgidity, i.e. it... Read More

Intracellular digestion

Intracellular Digestion Definition What is intracellular digestion? ‘Intra’ means "inside" and ‘cellular’ pertains... Read More


Lysosome Definition noun plural: lysosomes ly·so·some, ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm (cell biology) Organelle containing a large... Read More


Hypotonic Definition Hypotonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypotonicity. Hypotonicity refers... Read More

Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells

Plant Cells Most cells are not visible with the naked eye. However, with microscopes of various types, plant cells can be... Read More

Plant cell

Plant Cell Definition A plant cell refers to any cell of a plant. It is the structural and functional unit of plants. Plant... Read More


Amoeba Definition The term amoeba, also spelled ameba, describes any cell exhibiting amoeboid movement. Amoeboid movement... Read More


Definition noun, plural: vacuolizations The formation into, or multiplication of, vacuoles; being filled with... Read More


Turgidity Definition Turgidity is the state of being turgid or swollen, especially due to high fluid content. In a general... Read More


Cytoplasm Definition The cell is known as the building block of all life. Blocks are made up of numerous particles and... Read More

Lysosomal enzyme

Definition noun plural: lysosomal enzymes ly·so·somal en·zyme, ˈlaɪsəˌsoʊm əl ˈɛnzaɪm (biochemistry) Any of... Read More

Cell sap

Definition noun (1) The liquid inside the large central vacuole of a plant cell that serves as storage of materials and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: cytopharynxes or cytopharynges The tube-like passageway in certain protozoans through which the... Read More


The cell is regarded as the structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms. It is a membrane-bound structure... Read More


Organization Definition The meaning of the term "organization" is very simple. It means the state wherein things are... Read More


Osmosis is the net movement of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane. It is similar to diffusion as the... Read More


Endocytosis Definition What is endocytosis in biology? Endocytosis is a cellular process by which a cell internalizes any... Read More


A pseudopodium (plural: pseudopodia) refers to the temporary projection of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Pseudopodia... Read More

Biological Cell Introduction

It only takes one biological cell to create an organism. In fact, there are countless species of single-celled organisms,... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tonoplasts The cytoplasmic membrane surrounding the vacuole, separating the vacuolar contents from... Read More


Phagocytosis Definition Phagocytosis is a basic physiological cellular process wherein a cell ingests a solid particle... Read More


Definition of Gamete What is a gamete? A gamete is the mature reproductive or sex cell that contains a haploid number of... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More


Eukaryote refers to any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cell contains a distinct, membrane-bound... Read More


Definition noun plural: phagosomes phag·o·some, ˈfæg əˌsoʊm (cell biology) A vesicle that forms by pinching off... Read More


Definition noun plural: phagolysosomes (cell biology) A cytoplasmic body that forms from the fusion of phagosome and... Read More

Xylem parenchyma

Definition noun Parenchyma cells in the xylem tissue and are involved mainly in the storage of carbohydrates, oils, and... Read More

Animal cell

An animal cell is the fundamental functional unit of life of animals. It is also the basic unit of reproduction. Animal... Read More


Definition noun, plural: ookinetes The motile zygote formed by the fertilization of microgamete and macrogamete of certain... Read More


Endosome Definition noun plural: endosomes en·do·some, ˈəndoˌsoʊm (cell biology) A membrane-bound cytoplasmic... Read More


Definition noun, plural: merozoites A cell formed during the asexual division of the schizont; a stage in the life cycle of... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tannosomes An organelle, particularly a special type of leucoplast, involved primarily in... Read More

Balantidium coli

Definition noun A parasitic ciliate belonging to the family Balantiididae, and the causative agent of the balantidiasis... Read More


Definition noun, plural: osteoclasts (cytology) A type of bone cell that is large, multinucleated, and associated with bone... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More

Plant Tissues

Plants are composed of three major organ groups: roots, stems, and leaves. As we know from other areas of biology, these... Read More