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Search Results for: xylem fiber


Xylem Definition Xylem is defined as a plant tissue that transfers water and nutrients from roots to all over the plant... Read More

Xylem fiber

Definition noun, plural: xylem fibers Any of the fibers made up of dead sclerenchyma cells in between the xylem vessels... Read More

Xylem vessel

Definition noun, plural: xylem vessels (botany) One of the tracheary elements of xylem that is characterized by being made... Read More

Tracheary elements

Definition noun (botany) The principal conductive cells of the xylem associated with the conduction of water and minerals... Read More


External Form of a Woody Twig A woody twig, or stem, is an axis with leaves attached. The leaves are arranged in various... Read More

Xylem parenchyma

Definition noun Parenchyma cells in the xylem tissue and are involved mainly in the storage of carbohydrates, oils, and... Read More


Tissue Definition What is tissue in the body? The body tissue is an aggregation of cells that function together and have a... Read More

Vascular tissue

Definition noun, plural: vascular tissues (botany) A complex permanent tissue involved in the conduction of materials (e.g.... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tracheids (botany) A tubular cell in the xylem of vascular plants whose primary function is to... Read More

Vascular plants

Definition of Vascular plants The term 'vascular' is derived from the Latin word vāsculum, vās, meaning "a container and... Read More


Parenchyma Definition What does parenchyma mean? Let's define the word "parenchyma". Most of the functional tissues in... Read More

Plant Tissues

Plants are composed of three major organ groups: roots, stems, and leaves. As we know from other areas of biology, these... Read More


Definition noun The part of the primary xylem that is last to develop from the procambium, and characterized by weblike or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: sclerenchymata, sclerenchymas (botany) A fundamental type of tissue in plants characterized by... Read More


Definition noun, plural: phloems A vascular tissue in plants that functions primarily in transporting organic food materials... Read More


Definition noun An organic substance that acts as a binder for the cellulose fibers in certain plants adding strength and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: sclereids A type of sclerenchyma cell of varying shapes but are typically shorter than sclerenchyma... Read More

Primary phloem

Definition noun The type of phloem derived from the primary meristem during the development of a vascular... Read More