Dictionary > Arrow poison

Arrow poison

Any toxin used for making arrow heads, spears, or darts poisonous
Arrow poisons are toxins used to cover the arrow heads, spears, or darts in order to make them poisonous. The arrow poisons are used for hunting purposes. Examples of poisons used are the skin of certain poisonous frogs and some plant extracts.
Arrow poisons may be plant-based or animal-based. Plant-based arrow poisons are made from plant extracts. Curare is the term used to refer to any arrow poison containing tubocurarine, curarine, quinine, protocurarine, or other related alkaloids.
Plant species that are used for making arrow poisons include Strychnos toxifera, Strychnos quianensis, Chondrodendron tomentosum, Sciadotenia toxifera, Nerium oleander, Strophanthus hispidus, Eschscholzia californica, Manihot esculenta, Sanguinaria canadensis, Veratrum sp., and Datura” sp.
Arrow poisons that are animal-based are typically derived from the skin of the species of poison dart frogs. The poison, for instance, is collected by roasting the frog over a fire. Examples of frog species that are used in making arrow poisons include Phyllobates aurotaenia, Phyllobates bicolor, Phyllobates batrachotoxins, and Phyllobates terribilis. Another animal poison source is the larva and pupae of the genus Diamphidia, commonly called as bushman arrow-poison beetle.
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