Dictionary > Articulata


(Science: zoology) 1. One of the four subkingdoms in the classification of cuvier. It has been much modified by later writers.
It includes those invertebrata having the body composed of ringlike segments (arthromeres). By some writers, the unsegmented worms (helminths) have also been included; by others it is restricted to the arthropoda. It corresponds nearly with the annulosa of some authors. The chief subdivisions are arthropoda (insects, myriapoda, arachnida, pycnogonida, Crustacea); and anarthropoda, including the annelida and allied forms.
2. One of the subdivisions of the brachiopoda, including those that have the shells united by a hinge.
3. A subdivision of the Crinoidea.
Origin: Neut. Pl. From L. Articulatus furnished with joints, distinct, p. P. Of articulare. See article, v.

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