Dictionary > Blood pressure

Blood pressure

Blood pressure
(Science: cardiology, physiology) The force that the circulating blood exerts on the walls of the arteries.
this measurement is divided into systolic (pressure during contraction of the heart) and diastolic (pressure during relaxation phase).
blood pressure varies with age and sex of the individual. A rough rule of thumb for normal systolic pressure is 100 – age of individual. In children 2 x (age) – 80 = systolic bp The diastolic pressure should be roughly 2/3 the systolic pressure.
The pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a persons health; adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure.The force by which blood hits the walls of blood vessels as a result of the force exerted by the heart to create a pulsing act.

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