Dictionary > Circulatory system

Circulatory system

circulatory system definition

Circulatory system
Definition: Biological system responsible for the circulation and transport of blood, plasma, hormones, molecules, ions, and nutrients

Circulatory System Definition
The organ system responsible for the circulation and transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, amino acids, electrolytes, hormones, blood cells, or other molecules and nutrients throughout the body

More Info on Circulatory System
Single-celled animals rely on the transport system, for instance, passive transport, for the exchange of nutrients and metabolic wastes between the cell and the environment. However, for multicellular organisms, organ systems are necessary to allow circulation and maintain homeostasis. One of these transport systems is the circulatory system.

The circulatory system is the organ system that is involved primarily in internal transport. There are two forms of circulatory systems in animals: (1) open circulatory system and (2) closed circulatory system.

In an open circulatory system, the blood (i.e. hemolymph) bathes the organs and tissues directly. Examples of animals with an open circulatory system are arthropods and most mollusks.

In a closed circulatory system, the blood circulates within blood vessels throughout the body. Therefore, there is a distinction between blood and lymph. Examples of animals with a closed circulatory system are annelids, a few mollusks, and vertebrates. The vertebrates have a cardiovascular system comprised of heart and blood vessels where blood circulates and another system called the lymphatic system that circulates lymph.

READ: The Human Physiology – Circulation Tutorial


Watch this video to learn about the circulatory system:

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Choose the best answer. 

1. Biological system responsible for transporting substances throughout the body of an organism

2. Blood bathes the organs directly

3. Blood is transported within blood vessels

4. Human circulatory system

5. The circulatory system of most arthropods

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