Dictionary > Elastic tissue

Elastic tissue

noun, plural: elastic tissues
A connective tissue composed of elastic fibers produced by fibroblasts and can stretch up to 1.5 times their length and snap back to their original length when relaxed
The connective tissues are a type of animal tissue that is characterized by being rich in extracellular components, e.g. fibers. The connective tissues may be further classified into connective tissue proper (e.g. loose connective tissues and dense connective tissues) and special connective tissues (e.g. reticular connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood). Many of them are fibrous. The fiber component of a fibrous connective tissue may be elastic fiber, reticular fiber or collagenous fiber.
A connective tissue that is composed mainly of elastic fibers is referred to as elastic tissue. The elastic tissue is categorized as a connective tissue proper.1 This type of connective tissue occurs as an elastic layer in the wall of an artery (particularly referred to as tela elastica). The elastic fibers are made up of elastic microfibril and elastin proteins. These fibers are found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues. They are produced by fibroblasts as well as by the myocytes in arteries.
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1 Strum, Judy M.; Gartner, Leslie P.; Hiatt, James L. (2007). Cell biology and histology. Hagerstwon, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 83.

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