Dictionary > Felinae


A taxonomic subfamily belonging to the family Felidae, and includes the genera Acinonyx, Caracal, Catopuma, Felis, Leopardus, Leptailurus, Lynx, Otocolobus, Pardofelis, Prionailurus, Puma, etc.
Felidae is a taxonomic family belonging to the suborder Feliormia, of order Carnivora. It is comprised of two subfamilies: Pantherinae (big cats) and Felinae. The Felinae includes the following extant genera: Acinonyx, Caracal, Catopuma, Felis, Leopardus, Leptailurus, Lynx, Otocolobus, Pardofelis, Prionailurus, and Puma.
Acinonyx is a genus that includes only one extant species, the cheetah, A. jubatus. Caracal includes the C. caracal (gazelle cat). Catopuma includes the bay cat (C. badia) and the Asian golden cat (C. temminckii). Felis includes domestic cats, wildcats, jungle cats, etc. Leopardus includes pantanal cat, southern tiger cat, pampas cat, oncilla, ocelot, margay, etc. Leptailurus includes the African wildcat (L. serval). Lynx includes bobcat, Eurasian lynx, Iberian lynx, and Canadian lynx. Otocolobus has one extant species, Palla’s cat (O. manul). Pardofelis has one extant species, the marbled cat (P. marmorata). Prionailurus includes leopard cat, Iriomote cat, flat-headed cat, rusty-spotted cat, and fishing cat. Puma includes jaguarondi and cougar.

  • felines

Scientific classification:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Suborder: Feliformia
  • Family: Felidae
  • Subfamily: Felinae Waldheim, 1817
  • See also:

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