Dictionary > Fringes


1. An ornamental appendage to the border of a piece of stuff, originally consisting of the ends of the warp, projecting beyond the woven fabric; but more commonly made separate and sewed on, consisting sometimes of projecting ends, twisted or plaited together, and sometimes of loose threads of wool, silk, or linen, or narrow strips of leather, or the like.
2. Something resembling in any respect a fringe; a line of objects along a border or edge; a border; an edging; a margin; a confine. The confines of grace and the fringes of repentance. (Jer. Taylor)
3. (Science: optics) One of a number of light or dark bands, produced by the interference of light; a diffraction band; called also interference fringe.
4. (Science: botany) The peristome or fringelike appendage of the capsules of most mosses. See peristome.
(Science: botany) fringe tree, a small tree (Chionanthus Virginica), growing in the southern united states, and having snow-white flowers, with long pendulous petals.
Origin: OF, fringe, f. Frange, prob. Fr. L. Fimbria fibre, thread, fringe, cf. Fibra fibre, E. Fibre, fimbriate.

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