Dictionary > Metamyelocyte


noun, plural: metamyelocytes
A cell derived from myelocyte and develops into a band cell during granulopoiesis
A metamyelocyte is a cell in granulopoiesis (i.e. a hematopoiesis of granulocytes). Hematopoiesis is a process of forming new cellular elements, particularly red blood cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, megakaryocytes, platelets, and granulocytes. The granulocytes include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. In the granulocytic series, a metamyelocyte is a blood cell that transitions from a myelocyte to a band cell. In particular, the developmental stages are as follows: hemocytoblast → common myeloid progenitor (or CFU-GEMM) → CFU-GM → CFU-G → myeloblast → promyelocyte → myelocyte → metamyelocyteband cellgranulocyte.
The myelocyte develops into a metamyelocyte. The latter is characterized by the appearance of a bent nucleus. Similar to a myelocyte, the metamyelocyte does not have a visible nucleolus under a light microscope. Unlike myelocyte, a metamyelocyte does not synthesize DNA and is no longer dividing. Its size ranges from 12 to 18 μ.
Since there are three types of myelocytes: neutrophilic, basophilic, and eosinophilic, the metamyelocyte also have the corresponding types.
Word origin: meta- (“from”) + myelocyte

  • juvenile cell

See also:

  • common myeloid progenitor cell
  • myelocyte
  • band cell
  • hematopoiesis
  • granulopoiesis
  • Related term(s):

    • metamyelocytic (adjective, of, pertaining to, or relating to a metamyelocyte)

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