Dictionary > Pes varus

Pes varus

The inward turning of the heel or the inversion of the foot resulting in clubfoot
Varus is a medical term used to denote to the inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or a joint. It is used as opposed to valgus, which denotes outward angulation. Varus is a Latin term meaning bent inward whereas valgus is a Latin that denotes being bent outward. Pes varus is an example of a varus deformity. It is characterized by the inward turning of the heel or the inversion of the foot. In contrast, pes valgus is a deformity characterized by the outward turning of the heel or the inversion of the foot.
In pes varus, the outer side of the sole is the only part touching the ground. It is also commonly associated with talipes cavus, which is an exaggeration of the normal arch of the foot.
In dogs, such as dachshunds, the distal tibia deformity associated with asymmetric closure of the distal physis can be treated by corrective osteotomy and external skeletal fixation of the tibia.1
Word origin: Latin pes (foot) + varus (bent inward)

  • talipes varus
  • pes adductus


  • pes valgus
  • See also:

    • talipes cavus


    1 Harari, J. (2004). Small animal surgery secrets. Philadelphia, Pa: Hanley & Belfus. p283.

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