Dictionary > Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

sodium bicarbonate
(Science: chemical) carbonic acid monosodium salt (CHNaO3).
A white, crystalline powder that is used as an electrolyte replenisher and systemic alkaliser. It is applied topically in solution to wash the nose, mouth, or vagina, and as a cleansing enema.
pharmacologic action: acid neutralization.
uses: Preexisting metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, tricyclic or phenobarbital overdose.
dose in mEq: 0.3 * (base deficit) * (wt in kg).
potential complications: metabolic alkalosis, hypercarbia, hyperosmolar state.
note: Since HCO3- does not cross cell membranes and cO2 does, the administration of bicarbonate may actually make tissues more acidotic.
chemical name: carbonic acid monosodium salt.

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