Dictionary > Zoomastigophora


A class or a taxonomic group belonging to Subphylum Mastigophora that includes colourless, heterotrophic, flagellate protozoans.
Class Zoomastigophora belongs to Subphylum Mastigophora, under Phylum Sarcomastigophora. It includes all animal-like protozoa that use flagella for locomotion.
Class Zoomastigophora consists of nine orders:

  • Choanoflagellida
  • Bicosoecida
  • Rhizomastigida
  • Kinetoplastida
  • Retortamonadida
  • Diplomonadida
  • Oxymonadida
  • Trichomonadida
  • Hypermastigida

Word origin: Greek: zôion, animal + mastīgophóros, whip-bearing.
See also: zooflagellate, protozoa.

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