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Search Results for: agar


What Is Agar? Agar, also called agar agar, is a natural gelling agent derived from seaweed (specifically algae belonging to... Read More


Inoculum Definition Inoculation is a term often heard in microbiology, one of the branches of biology that deals with the... Read More


Fastidious Definition We can define fastidious as a term used in microbiology to denote a species that lacks the ability to... Read More


Agarose (Science: chemical) this linear galactan is created by purifying agar, when it is heated and cooled, it forms a gel... Read More


Protist Definition What is a protist? All protists are eukaryotes, i.e. organisms with a nucleus. However, they are... Read More


The breakdown or catabolism of red blood cells or erythrocytes that result in the expulsion of hemoglobin and other... Read More

Colony-forming unit

Colony Forming Unit Definition A Colony Forming Unit (CFU) in microbiology and cellular biology refers to a measure of... Read More

Gamma hemolysis

Definition noun Nonhemolytic bacterial colony on blood agar plates. Supplement The hemolytic reactions of streptococci on... Read More

Cultivated yeast

Definition noun, plural: cultivated yeasts Yeast that is grown in cultures for specific purposes such as bread making,... Read More

Differential medium

Differential medium a medium which is used to differentiate different types of microorganisms based on their different... Read More

The consequences of antibiotic use in horticulture

Leading articlesFrederick R. Falkiner* Department of Clinical Microbiology, Trinity College, Dublin; Central Pathology... Read More


Definition noun, plural: streptococci (1) A genus of bacteria characterized by being coccus, Gram-positive, and occurring in... Read More


Definition noun plural: roughages rough·age, ɹʌf'ɪdʒ (1) A dietary fiber (2) Hay or any other coarse feed, such as... Read More


Definition noun, plural: zoogleas, zoogleae A jelly-like gram-negative aerobic rod-shaped bacterium that aggregates on... Read More

Axenic culture

Definition noun A microbial culture that contains only one species, variety, or strain of... Read More

Lycinibacillus fusiformis

Definition noun A long rod-shaped obligate aerobe organism that is able to utilize oxygen to metabolize numerous sugars... Read More

Petri dish

Definition noun, plural: Petri dishes A circular dish made of glass or plastic and with a loose-fitting cover, used in... Read More

Facultative anaerobe

Facultative Anaerobe Definition What does facultative anaerobe mean? Facultative organisms are the most adaptable... Read More


Definition noun, plural: melanophores A type of pigment cell that, in particular, produce and store... Read More

Red algae

Red Algae Definition The red algae belong to the phylum Rhodophyta, which literally was derived from the Greek word... Read More


Inoculation Definition In Immunology, inoculation is defined as the process of introducing an antigenic substance or... Read More

Zone of inhibition

Definition noun (microbiology) The clear region around the paper disc saturated with an antimicrobial agent on the agar... Read More


Definition noun, plural: melanocytesA type of pigment cell that, in particular, produce melanin, and occurs in the... Read More

Streptolysin S

Definition noun A nonantigenic, oxygen-stable β-hemolytic enzyme produced by some bacteria, especially... Read More

Auxanographic method

Auxanographic method a method for the study of bacterial enzymes in which agar is mixed with the material (e.g., starch or... Read More


Prokaryote refers to any of the group of living organisms primarily characterized by the lack of a true nucleus and other... Read More

Culture media

Culture media Any liquid or solid preparation made specifically for the growth, storage, or transport of microorganisms or... Read More


Definition noun: (taxonomy) A family of gram-negative bacilli that inhabit the large intestine of humans and other... Read More


Definition noun (1) The circulating fluid (plasma) and suspended formed elements, such as red blood cells, white blood... Read More


Definition noun, plural: nutrients Food, or any nourishing substance assimilated by an organism, and required for growth,... Read More


Definition noun plural: lactoses lac·tose, ˈlæk.toʊs A disaccharide (chemical formula: C12H22O11) made up of one... Read More

Replica plating

replica plating (Science: technique) technique for testing the genetic characteristics of bacterial colonies. A dilute... Read More

Organ culture

Definition noun, plural: tissue cultures (1) The technique of cultivating organ primordia or pieces of tissue in the... Read More


Hydrophilic Definition What does a hydrophile (or hydrophilic molecule) mean? If a molecule is “water-loving”, it is... Read More


Archaea is a group of prokaryotic life forms distinct from bacteria forming a separate domain of life. They possess... Read More

Opportunistic pathogen

Opportunistic Pathogen Definition How do we define opportunistic pathogen? The opportunistic pathogen is an infectious... Read More

Cell wall

The cell is the structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms. It is a membrane-bound structure containing... Read More


Algae are photosynthetic organisms that possess photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll. However, they lack true roots,... Read More


Resistance, vulnerability, sensitivity, tolerance, and susceptibility are some highly important terminologies across the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: substrata (1) A substrate, i.e. a surface in which the cell attaches to, especially when the cell... Read More