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Search Results for: environment


Environment Definition What does environment mean? If you mean physical environment, then it is defined as the surrounding... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More

Environmental resistance

Environmental Resistance Definition Environmental resistance is such a process in which certain different elements or... Read More

External environment

Definition noun The environment outside of the organism, which pertains to the physical, chemical, biological and social... Read More

Natural environment

Definition noun All living and non-living things that occur naturally on a particular region. Supplement A natural... Read More

Internal environment

Definition noun (1) The outside of the cells inside the body of an organism. (2) The extracellular fluid... Read More

Hypotonic solution

Hypotonic Solution Definition What is a hypotonic solution? It refers to a solution that contains a lower amount of solute... Read More

Animal Water Regulation

Homeostatic control, a set environment, and how evolution and natural selection drives a species to adapt to its environment... Read More

Realized niche

What is a niche? A niche can be defined as the means by which a species or an individual interacts with its environment. In... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More

Abiotic factor

An abiotic factor is a non-living element of the environment that influences the way organisms and ecosystems function. Some... Read More


Definition noun A broad philosophy and social movement that is chiefly concerned with the prevention and conservation of the... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Ecosystem diversity

Ecosystem Diversity Definition What is ecosystem diversity? Ecosystem diversity deals with the study of different... Read More

Biotic factor

Biotic Factor Definition A biotic factor is the living component in an ecosystem. The term "biotic" means "of or related... Read More

Facultative anaerobe

Facultative Anaerobe Definition What does facultative anaerobe mean? Facultative organisms are the most adaptable... Read More


Equilibrium Definition In Biology Equilibrium refers to the state of balance and stability. In biology, equilibrium is... Read More

Indicator Species and Endangered Species

Indicator Species Certain species are capable of expressing characteristics that can indicate the state of the ecosystem... Read More


Ecosystem Definition An ecosystem is a system consisting of biotic and abiotic components that function together as a unit.... Read More

Darwin and Natural Selection

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.In the 19th century, a man called Charles Darwin, a biologist from England,... Read More


Contamination Definition Contamination, sometimes interchanged with pollution, is the existence of live things or... Read More

Physiological adaptation

If we look over evolutionary history, we find that it’s neither the most genius and intelligent nor the strongest and the... Read More

Carrying capacity

Carrying Capacity Definition What is carrying capacity? In biology and environmental science, the carrying capacity of a... Read More

Hypertonic solution

Hypertonic Solution Definition Hypertonic solution is a relative term that describes the solution having a higher amount of... Read More

Limiting factor

Limiting Factor Definition A limiting factor refers to any of the factors (variables) in an environment capable of limiting... Read More

Sympatric speciation

Speciation is a process of evolution through which two different existing populations evolve and a distinct species form. It... Read More


Unicellular organisms are organisms consisting of one cell only that performs all vital functions including metabolism,... Read More

Obligate aerobe

Before we define obligate aerobes, let us first understand and define aerobic organisms. Aerobic organisms are those that... Read More

Non-living thing

Non-living Thing Definition A non-living thing in biology means any form without a life, such as an inanimate body or... Read More

Selectively-permeable membrane

Selectively Permeable Membrane Definition We can define selectively permeable membranes as those that are selectively... Read More


Definition noun, plural: halophiles An organism that thrives in an environment of high salinity Supplement A halophile... Read More


We can detect hot or cold environments using our sense of temperature. When the temperature is too hot, sweating... Read More


Fastidious Definition We can define fastidious as a term used in microbiology to denote a species that lacks the ability to... Read More


Adaptation Definition In biology and ecology, adaptation refers to the process of adjusting behavior, physiology, or... Read More


Characteristics Definition We can define characteristics as qualities or features that describe the distinctive nature or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: neutrophiles (1) A neutrophilic organism that lives and thrives in an environment with a... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More

Aerobic bacteria

Aerobic Bacteria Definition What does aerobic mean in biology? As the name suggests, 'aerobe' in biology means organisms... Read More

Still Water Community Plants

Freshwater Plants & Water As mentioned in the previous tutorial about still water plants, the method of transpiration... Read More

Adaptive Radiation

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.When Charles Darwin was in the Galapagos Islands, one of the first things he... Read More