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Search Results for: experiment

Unconditioned stimulus

An unconditioned stimulus inherently triggers an automatic response, not reliant on deliberate prior learning. In contrast... Read More

Pulse-chase experiment

pulse-chase experiment An experiment in which an enzyme, a metabolic pathway, a culture of cells, etc., interacts with a... Read More

Independent variable

Independent Variable Definition To define an independent variable, let us first understand what a variable is. The word... Read More

Controlled experiment

Definition noun A scientific investigation in which both the control group and experimental group(s) are kept under... Read More

Inheritance and Probability

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, is most famous in this field for his study... Read More

In situ

When we talk about an experiment, human intervention, a protocol, or its step or any x, y, z call-of-action, it can be... Read More

Incomplete dominance

Incomplete Dominance Definition After Gregor Mendel discovered inheritance laws, the term ''incomplete dominance'' was... Read More


What Is Hypothesis? A scientific hypothesis is a foundational element of the scientific method. It's a testable statement... Read More


Definition noun, plural: controls (general) That which purposefully direct, manipulate, manage, regulate, restrain, or cause... Read More

Spontaneous generation

Definition noun plural: spontaneous generations The previously popular notion that living organisms arise or develop from... Read More

Controlled variable

Definition noun, plural: control variables A variable that remains unchanged or held constant to prevent its effects on the... Read More


Whether we talk about “a travel plan” or “a science experiment” or “the chances of a pregnancy reaching its... Read More


Noun: a procedure done in a controlled environment for the purpose of gathering observations, data, or facts, demonstrating... Read More

Control variable

Definition noun, plural: control variables A variable that remains unchanged or held constant to prevent its effects on... Read More

Allopatric speciation

We can define speciation as a process by which the novel genetically independent group of organisms are formed through the... Read More


Ambient (Science: ecology) describes the surrounding environment (especially temperature and pressure) of an object or... Read More


Definition noun Any from a set of copies or repetitions, especially of a laboratory or research procedure. verb To make an... Read More


Biogenesis Definition Biogenesis refers to the idea or the process whereby a living thing comes from another living thing,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: variables (1) Something that varies or have no fixed quantitative value. (2) A quantity that... Read More


trial 1. The act of trying or testing in any manner. Specifically: Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of... Read More

Phenotypic ratio

Phenotypic Ratio Definition How would one define phenotypic ratio? The correlation between the amount of offspring that... Read More

Dependent variable

Definition noun, plural: dependent variables (mathematical modeling) The variable in a functional relation whose value is... Read More


Bacteria Definition What are bacteria? What is the definition of bacteria in biology? Bacteria are defined as organisms... Read More

Endosymbiotic theory

A eukaryotic cell is distinct from a prokaryotic cell by the presence of membrane-bound cellular structures called... Read More

Null hypothesis

Null Hypothesis Definition Null hypothesis is defined as “the commonly accepted fact (such as the sky is blue) and... Read More


Viscosity refers to the state or condition of being viscous. It is measured as a physical property of a fluid. As a physical... Read More

On Mate Selection Evolution: Are intelligent males more attractive?

A study published in Science on January 11 seems to be the first to lay empirical evidence that concur with Charles Darwin's... Read More


Epistasis Definition What is epistasis in genetics? How does epistasis occur? The epistasis definition, in biology, refers... Read More

Secondary succession

We all have come across news where forest lands got destroyed by wildfires. Or sometimes we have read about an entire... Read More

Nervous System

    THE is the most complicated and highly organized of the various systems which make up the human body. It is the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: triplicates One of the three identical copies or replicates verb To make three copies... Read More

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Definition A nucleic acid refers to any of the group of complex compounds made up of linear... Read More

A posteriori

A posteriori 1. (Science: logic) Characterising that kind of reasoning which derives propositions from the observation of... Read More

Living things

Living Things Definition A living thing pertains to any organism or a life form that possesses or shows the characteristics... Read More

Simpsons paradox

Definition noun It is used in statistics to confirm data resulting from the combination of unequal size of group that has... Read More

Thistle tube

Definition noun A piece of glassware used in laboratory that consists of tube with funnel-like portion at the top and a... Read More

Effects of Gravity on Sleep

Gravity is a natural phenomenon that affects all things particularly all living creatures from cell to human being. It has... Read More

Why Non-Human Primates Don’t Speak Like Humans

Summary: Why are non-human primates unable to speak like humans? A widely-accepted theory associated it with their lack of... Read More

Tracking the migration of Whip-poor-will in Americas

Eastern whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferous) is continuously declining due to habitat loss and unavailability of insects... Read More

Scientists brought dead pig brain partly back to life

Death is inevitable to any entity that has life. When there is a beginning there ought to be an end.  However, the recent... Read More