Dictionary > Varus


Of, pertaining to, or relating to a deformity wherein the distal segment of a bone or a joint (especially of a limb) is turned inwards towards the mid-line
Varus is a medical term used to denote to the inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or a joint. It is used as opposed to valgus, which denotes outward angulation. Varus is a Latin term meaning bent inward whereas valgus is a Latin that denotes being bent outward.
Pes varus is an example of a varus deformity. It is characterized by the inward turning of the heel or the inversion of the foot. In contrast, pes valgus is a deformity characterized by the outward turning of the heel or the inversion of the foot.
Another example is the coxa vara, which is a varus deformity involving the hip. The angle between the head and the shaft of the femur is reduced, resulting in a limp.1
Another is genu varum. From the Latin genu meaning knee, this deformity results when the tibia is turned inward with respect to the femur and the result is a bowlegged appearance.
Word origin: Latin varus (bent inward)

See also:

  • clubfoot
  • Related term(s):


    1 Congenital Coxa Vara. Retrieved from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1259556-overview.

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