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Search Results for: diabetes mellitus


Diabetes Definition Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by excessive urine excretion (polyuria) and persistent... Read More

Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies

Perspective Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies Cynthia M. Arbeeny Address... Read More

Regulation of Organic Metabolism, Growth and Energy Balance

Organic Metabolism Events of Absorptive and Post-absorptive States. The absorptive state is the period during which... Read More

Polygenic trait

Polygenic Trait Definition Polygenic trait refers to a trait that is controlled by multiple non-allelic genes. These genes... Read More

Sugar Homeostasis

Blood Sugar Regulation As described in Cell Biology tutorials, the body requires volumes of glucose in order to create ATP.... Read More


What is Diaphoresis? Diaphoresis is referred to excessive or profuse perspiration or sweating which may be due to... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More


What is the Glycocalyx? The glycocalyx is a polysaccharide-based gel-like, highly hydrous cellular thin layer, covering... Read More


Diuresis Definition In simple terms, excessively increased urination is referred to as diuresis. Diuresis is a collective... Read More

Inherited traits

What are Inherited Traits? The characteristics or traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as inherited... Read More


Definition noun plural: sucroses su·crose, ˈsukɹoʊs A disaccharide with a chemical formula of C12H22O11 that occurs in... Read More


Definition noun A polypeptide hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to regulate the... Read More


Definition noun plural: polyols pol•y•ol, ˈpɒlɪɒl A polyhydric alcohol, i.e. an alcohol containing three or more... Read More

Kidneys and Regulation of Water and Inorganic Ions

Renal Functions Kidneys remove/add substances from/to the plasma.Regulate water concentration, inorganic ion... Read More

Reducing sugar

Reducing Sugar Definition What is reducing sugar? The type of sugar that acts as the reducing agent and can effectively... Read More


Definition noun plural: sorbitols sor·bi·tol, ˈsɔr bɪˌtɔl A sugar alcohol with a sweet taste, occurs naturally in... Read More


Starch Definition Starch is a polysaccharide (C6H10O5)n consisting of a large number of glucose monomers joined together... Read More

Principles of Hormonal Control Systems

Hormones are chemical messengers that enter the blood directly upon their secretion from endocrine glands. A single gland or... Read More


Carbohydrate Definition A biomolecule refers to any molecule that is produced by living organisms. As such, most of them... Read More


Definition noun i·so·malt, ˈaɪ sə mɔlt A sugar alcohol made up of two polyols: glucose-mannitol and... Read More


Polysaccharide Definition Biology Definition: A polysaccharide is a carbohydrate formed by long chains of repeating units... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA Definition noun plural: mitochondrial DNAs The genetic material in the mitochondrion that carries code... Read More

Autoimmune disease

Definition noun, plural: autoimmune diseases A type of disease as a result of an immune response of the body against own... Read More


Definition noun, plural: autoimmunities A type of immunity wherein the immune response is directed against own body,... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More


Definition noun plural: mannitols man·ni·tol, ˈmæn ɪˌtɔl A sugar alcohol with a sweetish taste, occurs naturally in... Read More

Immune response

Immune Response Definition An immune response is defined as the reaction of the body in response to the presence of a... Read More


Lipogenesis Definition Lipogenesis is the process of producing lipid or fat to store biochemical energy for later metabolic... Read More