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Search Results for: genetic drift

Genetic drift

Genetic Drift Definition What is genetic drift in simple terms? The simple definition of genetic drift ( also referred to... Read More

Genetic diversity

Genetic Diversity Definition Each species is composed of individuals with their own set of genes. A gene is the inheritance... Read More

Genetic variability

Genetic Variability Definition Genetic variability refers to the tendency of individual genetic characteristics in a... Read More

Neutral mutation

Neutral Mutation Definition What is a neutral mutation? Neutral mutations are the alterations in the DNA that are... Read More


Evolution Definition Evolution is defined as a change in the genetic composition of a population over successive... Read More

Allopatric speciation

We can define speciation as a process by which the novel genetically independent group of organisms are formed through the... Read More

The Gene Pool and Population Genetics

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.The previous tutorial is about adaptive radiation. Adaptive radiation is... Read More

Neutral theory of molecular evolution

Definition noun A theory stating that evolutionary changes particularly at the molecular level arise from genetic drift of... Read More

Population Growth and Survivorship

By: Maria Victoria GonzagaPreviously, we learned about biodiversity and endemism. Now, let's look at the... Read More


Inbreeding is a type of breeding or mating where closely related individuals with a common ancestor produce progenies with... Read More

Adaptive evolution

Definition noun A kind of evolution that involves evolutionary changes that are adaptive to a particular... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More

Genetic variation

Definition noun, plural: genetic variations Variations of genomes between members of species, or between groups of species... Read More

Inherited traits

What are Inherited Traits? The characteristics or traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as inherited... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More


Allotetraploid Definition An allotetraploid is an organism with four sets of chromosomes (4n). This is in contrast to the... Read More

Sympatric speciation

Speciation is a process of evolution through which two different existing populations evolve and a distinct species form. It... Read More

Genetic equilibrium

Definition noun A condition where a gene pool is not changing in frequency because the evolutionary forces acting upon the... Read More


Epistasis Definition What is epistasis in genetics? How does epistasis occur? The epistasis definition, in biology, refers... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More


Equilibrium Definition In Biology Equilibrium refers to the state of balance and stability. In biology, equilibrium is... Read More


Taxonomy Definition The term "taxonomy" was developed from two Greek words, "taxis," meaning arrangement, and "nomia,"... Read More

Peripatric speciation

Definition noun A speciation in which new species evolve in a sub-population that colonized a new habitat or niche within... Read More


Definition noun, plural: microevolutions Evolution involving small-scale changes, i.e. within the species, occurring over a... Read More

Evolutionary biology

Definition noun The branch of biology concerned with the evolution of organisms, particularly the origin and descent of... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More


Isozymes (also known as isoenzymes) are enzymes that differ in amino acid sequence but catalyze the same chemical reaction.... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg law

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg principle

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More


Vestigial (organ) is a degenerate organ or structure or physical attribute that has little to no function in the species but... Read More


Plankton is a diverse group of typically microscopic, aquatic organisms suspended in the water column and rely on water... Read More


When we look at the genome sizes and the organism complexity, it becomes quite confusing at times. This is because we... Read More