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Search Results for: ligase


An enzyme is a catalyst or a chemical produced by cells to speed up a biochemical reaction. It is usually a protein molecule... Read More

Dna ligase

Dna ligase (Science: enzyme molecular biology) enzyme involved in dna replication. The dna ligase of E. Coli seals nicks in... Read More

Transfer ribonucleic acid

Definition noun plural: transfer ribonucleic acids trans•fer ri•bo•nu•cle•ic ac•id, ˈtɹænsfɝ... Read More


Replication, in the general sense, is to create a copy or a duplicate. Thus, in biology, replication is commonly associated... Read More


Definition noun, plural: lyases (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the breaking of a chemical bond through means not... Read More


Mitochondrion Definition What are mitochondria? The term “mitochondrion” comes from the two words of the Greek... Read More


Definition noun, plural: isomerases (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the isomerization changes in a molecule, thereby... Read More

DNA replication

DNA Replication Definition DNA replication is the process of copying and duplicating a DNA molecule. The process is carried... Read More

Recombinant DNA

Definition noun Genetically-engineered DNA molecule formed by splicing fragments of DNA from a different source or from... Read More

Genetic Information and Protein Synthesis

Genetic Code Genes are sequences of DNA nucleotides that carry and transmit the information specifying amino acid sequences... Read More

Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

 Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one plant or animal to another or... Read More